Delivery possibilities:
- Whole staff, team/syndicate/departmental meetings [Skype/zoom/face-to-face]
- Cross-schools shared sessions (COL; Kahui Ako; informal collaborations)
- One-to-one consultancy sessions – management, class teacher, specialist, learning assistant
- In-class and small group modelling, observation-feedback, co-teaching, coaching
- Collaborative planning and resource development

Knowledge building relies to the largest extent on language as the prime meaning-making
tool. It is important that teachers have the knowledge and skills to be pedagogically effective
so learners’ capability is potentiated particularly due to intentionality about language
Pedagogy that focuses on language in abundance pays attention to explicitly involving
learners in texts, spoken and written. It surfs learners into language complexity, wave by
wave. By so doing, learners cognitive capabilities are expanded, their knowledge reservoirs
are filled more deeply and fully, and their vocabulary and language comprehension and
expression shift upwards and out as a result.
Teachers and school leaders are given the knowledge and pedagogical support to
implement teaching and learning that take learners to higher levels of capabilities. In the
short and long term, learners are enabled when language in abundance is provided