Delivery possibilities:
- Whole staff, team/syndicate/departmental meetings [Skype/zoom/face-to-face]
- Cross-schools shared sessions (COL; Kahui Ako; informal collaborations)
- One-to-one consultancy sessions – management, class teacher, specialist, learning assistant
- In-class and small group modelling, observation-feedback, co-teaching, coaching
- Collaborative planning and resource development

What every teacher needs to have in their grammatical toolbox, with these major focuses:
Deepening teachers’ understandings of English grammar, theoretically and applied
Grammar in the classroom: analysing classroom contexts and texts, with the intention to understand and use more effectively as teachers / as students
The determinants of text grammar – topic and register
Rethinking genre and text types – visual, oral and print
From simple to more complex text
Comparing the grammar of spoken and written texts
Exploring the concept of ‘correct’ English
Unpacking and building ‘rich’ text examples
The above are explored meaningfully using actual classroom examples.
NB: A specific emphasis can also be identified e.g. a focus on written text, or oral text