Delivery possibilities:
- Whole staff, team/syndicate/departmental meetings [Skype/zoom/face-to-face]
- Cross-schools shared sessions (COL; Kahui Ako; informal collaborations)
- One-to-one consultancy sessions – management, class teacher, specialist, learning assistant
- In-class and small group modelling, observation-feedback, co-teaching, coaching
- Collaborative planning and resource development

Conversational teaching and learning
Walk into a typical classroom and most usually, conversational teaching and learning will occur only minimally or not at all. Even when the teacher is engaged with small groups of learners, seldom is there balanced ‘to and fro’ talk between learners, with the teacher a co-contributor and mediator.
Patterns of talk and thinking in a ‘typical’ teacher-learner interaction generally tend towards only some learners contributing, these few ‘doing the work’. Other learners can and do sit back, unresponsive and thus, under-potentialised, or ‘stuck’ because they just can’t or don’t shape up their thinking and communicate ideas.
Explore with Jannie why conversational teaching and learning is such a powerful way of working with your learners. It is a cognitive and expressive interactional ‘tool’ that has the potential to offer all learners expressive opportunities, ‘pushed’ minds and thinking, and shared scaffolded learning.
Her supporting slides will be available to all webinar participants.
The last 20 mins of the webinar hour will be dedicated to responding to in-coming questions or further explanations from webinar participants.